Medcare Tech

MEDCARETECH helps care providers to provide real time, coordinated care to the patients using a secure platform.
Medcare Tech -EMR  for Hospice with Billing and Reporting Capabilities

The Journey of Medcare Tech

Rahul Chawla is a hospice owner in United States and wanted to bring patient records and billing system on a digital platform. He approached Vinfotech because he was in need of a team that would understand the sensitivity involved in dealing with patient data. We have several years of experience of creating applications such as electronic medical records, hospital collaboration platforms and medical social networks. Rahul chose us to create a secure web application that would enable hospice owners and staff members to maintain patient records electronically while also adhering to the practices followed in hospices.

Rahul Chawla’s big question:

How will this web application ensure the secrecy and privacy of patients’ data?

Since our team had created several medical collaboration platforms for American clients as per HIPAA compliance, we understood Rahul’s concern instantly. We assured him that we will follow all the existing norms of personal health information protection in United States and implement a secure web and mobile application and create a secure web application.

Client's challenges & our solutions

  • We want this platform to have billing as per guidelines so people Can easily submit the 837 claim files to Medicare and other private insurance providers.

  • Vinfotech implemented the integrated billing module, that helps the case managers to collect the billing data from the system and aggregate them into 837 file. The file can be submitted to a clearing house for the claims processing.

  • We want the web application to adhere to all the norms related to electronic records and patient data.

  • Vinfotech implemented a secure, robust platform which ensures protection of personal health information. The platform follows all the existing rules of HIPAA implementation enabling authenticated access, auditing transaction logs, emergency access, auto log off, data encryption, alerts for breaches etc.

  • We want to create a complete web application which would bring all the records on one platform.

  • Vinfotech implemented a coordinated care solution which enabled the entire clinical and administrative staff to collaborate, provide real time, effective care to the patient. Staff members(providers) can save their assessments which are integrated into plan of care for quick resolution to the issues.

User Stories

I want my patients to be able to fill in relevant forms without paper work.

I want to submit a medical form to a government department without hassles.

I want all of my internal ward staff to be able to access some kinds of patient records.

What did we do?

Team Vinfotech aimed at building a complete platform that would bring all the hospice data onto one window while also ensuring that legal norms are adhered to.


Market Research

We compared existing patient record applications available in the market to make a realistic comparison as to what unique features we could bring to the table.

Engaging with users

Our user demographic profiles spanned across India where we studied the needs of today’s patients and their challenges. Our user profiles further helped us empathize with patients in India.

Business assessment document

We then created a business assessment document for the purpose of future reference so we could always keep a track of our progress.

Creative workshop with client

We had several video conferences with Rahul so we could keep them constantly in the loop about our plans and intentions with design and development.


Medcare Tech was to be a web application for keeping patient records and data. We had to keep the design easy to use in terms of navigation and function. We presented a few fireframes that gave Rahul complete confidence in the web application.

UI design

By now, our team moved confidently towards design part of Medcare Tech website.

Front-end development

Our front-end development propelled faster because our team is fully experienced in creating medical platforms.


Our developers had user stories and our old research to refer to whenever they felt stuck. Our project manager ensured that the team interacted actively with Rahul.


We confidently did the beta testing because Rahul was satisfied with our work.

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