This stock fantasy solution engages users with a host of features and game elements. The solution not only allows users to create a portfolio of stocks but also makes learning fun and engaging. Users progress from new to pro levels by engaging with the solution, participating in quizzes, and completing lesson plans.
A stock fantasy platform where users can create a portfolio and perform transactions of up to INR 5 lakh. This feature-rich platform allows users to create a portfolio from amongst 100 NSE stocks, and trade. Users can create a watchlist of their favourite stocks to keep an eye on the performance of these stocks. Users with portfolio value greater than INR 5 lakh are the contest winners. The platform also has trivia to educate users and help them hone their skill.
A stock fantasy platform that gamifies learning, trading, and engagement.
Users can see stock values and charts, search for any stock and also see daily changes.Contest leader boards indicate user/player positions that users can check intermittently to make buying/selling decisions.
Users can view stock cards with data for each stock in detail. From yearly performance to last closing price and current day’s lowest and highest price, stock cards provide an exhaustive view.
Users have to select a Captain stock in their portfolio. This stock translates to double the winnings.
Users can participate in practice matches before playing a real game. They can go through lesson plans and earn points. Users move from newbie through amateur to pro levels as they complete lesson plans and quizzes.
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