India’s first auction platform launched for the fans of one of the most revered teams of IPL 2020

Kings XI Punjab’s auction platform gives power to its fans to select their favorite team for IPL 2020

 A daily fantasy platform developed with advance features to uphold the passion of Indian sports fanatics by Vinfotech

A unique platform that delivers the excitement of player auctions to the hardcore fans

The vibrant persona of the brand- KingsXI Punjab inspired the platforms' overall feel and aesthetics. The platform is loaded with exciting features like multilingualism, player cards, player pool and more, to ensure best in class user experience.

“It was really important to hire an app developer that has experience with sports and fantasy sports, Vinfotech is exactly what I was looking for. I am glad I hired Vinfotech for application development. It has been a great journey and I look forward to enhancing and growing FANview Sports with Vinfotech.”

Bradley Heimowitz, Founder at FANview Sports